Tired of chasing the latest bio-hack? It’s time to connect to the creative healing power within YOU! 
—More Zest!
—More Confidence!
—More Refreshing Sleep!
—More Success in your Health Goals!

Are you ready? I can help! Yes, I'm Ready!

Not clear about Functional Medicine? Click for a brief synopsis.
Free Rain Model
The number one tool that I’ve used on my quest for a healthier lifestyle! 

Learning to regulate your emotions allows you to bring our best self on board for decision making and problem solving. If your emotions are not sucking all your energy, you have more energy available for the action of your intention.

In this video, I reveal the 4-step process that I’ve used to help regulate my nervous system and make choices that align with my intention to be a better human. Register to watch the RAIN Model video and receive the workbook that breaks down exactly how it works.

Garden as Remedy Workshop

Feeling disconnected, overwhelmed, or just in need of holistic self-care and love from yourself and others? In a small group, we will have a thoughtful, lighthearted coaching discussion about our lives. I will also share tips to use simple, easy functional medicine lifestyle behaviors that are nourishing. Let’s increase your energy, peace of mind, and happiness.

If you are interested in the Garden as Remedy workshop, click on the "Tell me More" button for more information and to sign up. I am so glad you are here. 

Opportunities to Flourish
Click on an image to learn more.


Together, we educate, inspire, and empower each other to finally get our bodies aligned, teeming with vitality, energy, and wellness. 


Learn daily practices and simple healthy recipes to find life-balance, energy, and a sense of well-being. 

One-on-One Coaching

Let me help you recover your confidence in your health. Let’s work together to get you feeling zesty again. 

Prairie Garden Homestead

Explore the parallels of soil health and our own health to understand  the importance of how our food is grown.
Hey there! I'm SO glad you found me!

I'm Loretta. I teach people like you ways to improve your health based on the needs of YOUR body. 

I didn't arrive here easily, though.

I enrolled in the School of Applied Functional Medicine  to find answers to my own health challenges. One of my motivations was to be able to understand my lab markers. So much data but what does it represent? It is my data, why can’t I understand it? I had three ambulance rides while experiencing seizure-like symptoms; obviously, I wasn’t feeling well. According to my labs, I was apparently FINE. I felt like the doctors were saying to me, “You’re 'FINE' come back when you have a disease that I can put a label on.” I knew that wasn’t right, but was disempowered to help myself. 
These experiences led me to get the education, inspiration, and empowerment needed to put the puzzle pieces together on my own health journey, and would like to help you feel more energetic and balanced on your health journey.

Certified as a Functional Medicine Health Coach (2017-present).

Partnered with KCFS for 2022 growing season in support of their mission.

Presented the importance of modern-day Victory Gardens.
What is Functional Medicine?
Functional medicine recognizes that everything in the body is interdependent and interconnected, and to heal we must get to the true root cause of the “dis-ease.”  All too often, we take a pill for every ill—a band-aid—and it is necessary and lifesaving at times.  While a pill does treat symptoms, we rarely work on understanding, resolving and healing the true root cause of the health problem.  
In other words, we are “fine” right up to the moment that we are diagnosed with a disease. 
It’s hard to change if we aren’t empowered to fully understand how our body’s systems work together to keep us healthy and energized. Unfortunately, many of us know more about how our computers work than our own bodies. It also takes time, responsibility, honesty, and vulnerability to make a behavior change last. It is hard to make changes alone and in isolation, particularly in our culture.  We need each other’s support.  This is why I do both individual and group programs. Together, we can educate, inspire, and empower each other to finally get our bodies aligned, teeming with vitality, energy, and wellness.
Ready to recapture health, energy, and vigor?  
Let's talk about your goals and how I can help you on your journey to wellness!